The Paris Agreement on Climate change aims to keep a global temperature rise below 2°C above pre-industrial levels. The Agreement additionally claims efforts to limit the temperature increase even further, to 1.5°C (Article 2 of the Agreement). The Paris Agreement have been signed by most of the countries of the world, with very few exceptions.Article 4 of the Agreement encourages Parties to reach global peaking … [Read more...] about Net zero emissions: An achievable climate target?
SWAP model: How to improve irrigation and fertilization
The SWAP model comes from Wageningen University, in The Netherlands. The model simulates water movement in the soil unsaturated zone. Indeed, the SWAP model is particularly useful to improve irrigation and fertilization management.SWAP is a physically-based model. It considers the laws of the Soil-Water-Atmosphere-Plant continuum to perform the simulations. Therefore, SWAP simulations are valid practically under any soil or climate condition.The … [Read more...] about SWAP model: How to improve irrigation and fertilization
Simulating nitrate leaching: Modelling approach
Groundwater contamination by nitrates due to agriculture is one of the main environmental problems. Nitrate leaching is a complex physical process, influenced by many variables. However, simulating nitrate leaching through models is now possible.Nitrate leaching from soils can be due to fertilization excess, improper irrigation or land management. It can be due to climate variability as well. Modelling … [Read more...] about Simulating nitrate leaching: Modelling approach
Sustainable irrigation management based on simulations
Many developing countries have become recently global agricultural suppliers. However, this has often achieved through an uncontrolled irrigation increase. Only a sustainable irrigation management will keep the agricultural production levels. Asparagus in Ica Valley For instance, Ica Valley, Perú, is now one of the largest asparagus producers of the world.The Ica Department contributes more than 3% … [Read more...] about Sustainable irrigation management based on simulations
Irrigation restrictions due to low reservoir capacity
Drought conditions are increasingly common in Spain and many other countries. Current Climate Change scenarios also suggest a significant drought reinforcement in several areas of the world. Irrigation restrictions and other negative impacts on agriculture can be expected. Droughts reduce the reservoirs capacity and cause irrigation restrictions, due to lower water availability. Scarcity of water for irrigation is an almost chronic … [Read more...] about Irrigation restrictions due to low reservoir capacity