At ClimaRisk we aim to promote the science of Climate Change, using modern web tools. As climate-change experts, we can guarantee relevant content on the websites developed, displaying data from reliable sources.
Climate change and its associated risks are among the greatest challenges humanity faces. Therefore, several initiatives and businesses have recently appeared, aimed at mitigating the causes of climate change or adapting to its effects. However, these ideas are completely innovative and the public to whom they are directed does not know them or is not aware of their potential benefits.
We want to combat hoaxes and misinformation campaigns, using modern web tools and social networks. The Science of Climate Change must be known in these media, especially among young audiences.
Our services:
Websites for Climate Science dissemination
We design websites aimed at climate dissemination. We use WordPress Genesis and plugins such as Elementor to give a unique, attractive and modern style to the website. Each website will have a WordPress Theme and a completely customized plugin. Specific and unique images will come from Artificial Intelligence. A personalized content for a particular region will come according to the visitor's IP address.
We offer advice and technical support for one year.
Web advertising campaigns
We conduct climate-add campaigns on social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn and others, aimed at specific audiences. We optimize existing websites, as well as those created by us, so that they occupy relevant positions in Google and other search engines.
Web programming aimed at climate advertising
Our most outstanding service is web programming. We use PHP to create custom plugins, able to interact with climate databases. The displayed scientific data is always coming from reliable sources, such as international organizations or Meteorological Agencies. We combine PHP with Vue Js and other JavaScript tools to make interaction with the visitor easier.
We also develop more elaborate sites, in PHP Laravel, capable of greater interaction with subscribers. These websites can launch crowdfunding and financing campaigns, sell promotional materials, attract subscribers, generate partnerships, interact with social networks and use all modern web techniques.
GHG emissions (in MtCO2) by the 25 countries that contribute the most to these emissions. Google Geochart PHP and JavaScript code, which can be inserted into a website, using a PHP plugin developed by us.
Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Emissions in recent years, from the top 25 emitting countries; as well as the percentage of fossil fuels used in electricity generation in those countries. The data comes from the World Bank REST API, displayed in a Chart.js chart, combining JavaScript and PHP.
Data from {{cname}}
Yearly CO2 emissions (in Mt)
% of Energy production coming from oil, gas and coal sources
Modern web tools offer many possibilities to promote Climate Change science to the general public. Each specific case deserves a particular development. Contact us for more information.